Design Easy, Stunning, and Fun Web Comic Website For Comic Creators! (Updated Easy-er Version)

Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, I’m Magalina, and If you by chance found my page through a simple google search make sure you check out my comic website tutorial below, and follow along so you’re not confused about this guide, and Why it exists…
It’s available to stream right here!
Here Are Some Quicklinks to Navigate This Post 🙂
What Domain Name Registrar Should I Use?
Namecheap is what I’ve used for the last 7 years without issue. The domain name prices are great, and amazingly Whois Guard (helps protect your email, and phone number from scammers) is also free forever!
You can also use Google Domains, and Domain.com!
My ultimate recommendation though is Namecheap!
Which Hosting Provider Should I use?
That’s entirely up to you! They can all be hits, and misses.
I’ve used Namecheap, and Flywheel hosting (but they’re a bit pricey), and recommend Namecheap’s “Easy WP” for a cheaper, but great alternative to Flywheel.
It starts at $1 for your first month instead of $15 (flywheel). The only con is you won’t get the free SSL flywheel gives you (this shouldn’t be an issue though if you link your domain with cloudflare).
Alternatively you can try:
How Can I Get An SSL Certificate For Free?
You can use a service like cloudflare!
I use it for some of my domains, and they’re great.
Here’s how to set up cloudflare with your website using Namecheap:
(My video will be here soon!)
You can also point your domain directly from namecheap if you don’t use cloudflare (both of these method work for any host’s ip address by the way).
(here’s My tutorial)
How Can I Manually Create My Own Episodes List Menu for my comic posts?
By default if you’ve already downloaded my “Vizartsgirl Cutecomics” premade site then you’ll see a “Browse episodes” menu on the comic posts page.
If you’d like to know how you can manually create your own comic post menus checkout my tutorial below (you do not have to download any of the plugins since it’s already installed). Do you know how to code or edit CSS? feel free to edit the default Css I created on your website through the code snippets 🙂
Here’s the quick shortcode (You’ll know how to use this when watching the tutorial):
[display-posts category=”name-here” posts_per_page=”999″ image_size=”thumbnail” order=”ASC”]Alternatively you can add the “standard bellows menu widget” straight from your elementor editor instead of using the shortcode.
Start at 2:10 for what applies to create your new menu:
Where Can I Download Your Comic Website?
All you need to do to download my comic website is:
What if I already did the previous comic tutorial?
If you followed my previous comic tutorial there is no need to install my pre-built comic website. The idea is pretty much the same except pre-installed.
Does it have extra features not shown in the previous tutorial?
Yes, it has a few extra features like a re-designed custom wordpress dashboard, an accordion browse episodes menu, a custom homepage, a characters page, a blog page, an about page, and an instagram feed at the bottom (it’s part of the theme used. Alternatively, you can install a separate plugin if you’d like an instagram feed on your website. .
How can I add those pages in if I did the previous tutorial?
Even though you may not have the custom dashboard you can create the extra pages found on the website separately or if you’d like to install the templates I used on those pages you can do so by clicking the big button below:
All the templates are in a zip file, and ready to import!
Make sure you unzip the file before importing any templates or sections into your website.
If I already have a wordpress comic site will installing this erase it?
Yes, the method I use in this tutorial will completely erase your entire website. In the tutorial I teach you how to install your comic site on a fresh (completely new) install of wordpress. Do not install this website if you have anything important on your current website.
Everything will be erased, and reset including your admin password, and username (which I advise you to change by following the video tutorial, and then erasing the placeholder user so that you are the only “admin on your website”).
Also never EVER use admin as your username.
Your website can be compromised if you use “admin” and “password” as your username/password.
The placeholder user in the website is a throw away user profile that you will delete upon installing the website (this is the first thing we are absolutely going to do).
Only install this website on a fresh install of wordpress.
What is the point of having a blog on a comic website?
Would you like to monetize your comic website instead of sharing your hard earned revenue with webtoons or tapas? You know, cut out the middleman?
One of the best ways to get your comic site approved, and show ads from Google Adsense (the same way the big comic sites do) is to dun dun dun….create a little blog section on your comic website with good helpful posts (about 10 or so. You can also get approved with less posts as long as they aren’t spammy, and at least 1000 words each).
I have done this myself, and it works immensely. It’s harder to get your site approved for ads, and monetize if images is all Google gets (unless you are an extremely popular creator with over 100,000+ page views per month on your own website–in that case you should personally instead charge companies to place ads on your site instead of using google ads).
They need a bit of text to show the right ads on your website so make it a little easier by adding a nice, and helpful (not spammy) blog section.
A blog is also great for updating, and sharing videos/updates with your subscribers.
If you don’t want a blog though you don’t have to add it in at all. It’s completely optional!
Alternatively you can just promote your procreate/photoshop brushes on your comic site (you can sell them through gumroad for free) instead of showing ads on your site (you will also make more revenue that way, and may make enough to create your comics full time!)
How can I set my latest comic page/episode as my homepage instead?
Yes, you can set any of your comic posts as your homepage. You don’t have to download any plugins since it’s already installed for you!
Here’s a video you can follow along with to set your latest post as your homepage (don’t download any plugins it’s all already there for you):
If you have anymore questions you think I should add to this list drop a comment down below! Happy creating 🙂